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There are a number of summer workshops and other academic opportunities for both graduate and undergraduate students. Some of these specifically serve women, minorities, and members of other underrepresented groups. If you know of an opportunity that is not listed here, please email Sophie Horowitz.

For high school students:

  • UMass’s new program, Question Everything, will begin summer 2021 for high school students from backgrounds traditionally underrepresented in academia. Please contact Ned Markosian or Julia Jorati with questions.
  • Here is a recent list of other programs from Daily Nous.

For undergraduate students:

  • This Daily Nous roundup (2019) lists some recent offerings.
  • The APA maintains a list of undergraduate diversity institutes.
  • Here is another comprehensive list, maintained by Georgi Gardiner (Tennessee).

For graduate students:

  • Athena in Action is a mentoring workshop held every two years for graduate women in philosophy.
  • The Summer Seminars in Neuroscience and Philosophy (SSNAP) is a funded, two-week conference for both faculty and graduate students, with opportunities for collaborative interdisciplinary research.
  • Here is a Daily Nous roundup from 2019, and another from 2020.