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The APA links to a huge number of resources for diversity and inclusiveness here, including teaching materials, advice for students, community and networking resources for underrepresented and/or marginalized groups, and academic work exploring related topics.

Formulating explicit discussion norms can be helpful both for instructors setting the tone for classroom discussion, and for scholars learning to engage more productively in seminars, colloquia, and the like. These guidelines, from NYU’s Department of Philosophy, offer some helpful advice on framing questions and objections and avoiding dominating discussion; the Daily Nous comments policy is also a good model.

By diversifying our syllabi, we can teach philosophical perspectives that more accurately reflect those of the students we teach. The APA has created a collection of diverse and inclusive syllabi and the UP Directory, which provides an easy-to-use resource for anyone who wants to learn more about the work of philosophers who belong to underrepresented groups within the discipline. Project Vox focuses on women philosophers from the early modern period. More teaching resources, compiled by MAP, can be found here.

The work of making our classrooms, colloquia, meetings etc. into inclusive and empowering spaces falls upon every member of the department. All members of the department are encouraged to understand the following crucial concepts.

  • Active Bystander

    To be an active bystander is to intervene in an instance of discrimination or exclusion. Active Bystander training can help us think about how to respond when we witness destructive or hateful behavior both in the classroom and in the wider world.
