Perry Research Group
Isaac Ramírez Marrero

Isaac Ramírez Marrero (he/him)

PhD Student


Office Address:

N560 Life Sciences Laboratory
240 Thatcher Road
Amherst, MA 01003

Mailing Address:

159 Goessmann Laboratory
686 North Pleasant Street
Amherst, MA 01003

Biographical Statement

Isaac completed his bachelor’s degree in Chemical Engineering at the University of Puerto Rico, Mayagüez in 2020. He conducted research in synthesis and detection of highly energetic materials for counterterrorism with Dr. Samuel Hernández-Rivera and synthesis of composite metal organic framework for wastewater treatment with Dr. Arturo Hernández-Maldonado. He was also a mentor at the Center for Pharmaceutical Engineering. Currently he is investigating the effect of polymer chemistry on the physical properties of solid polyelectrolyte complex films and is a mentor of the STEM Ambassadors Program.

Dr. Isaac Ramírez Marrero successfully defended his PhD dissertation on Polyelectrolyte Complex Materials: Design Rules and Applications on December 6th, 2024. Dr. Ramírez Marrero was the eighth PhD student to graduate from the Perry Lab! He will be moving on to a postdoctoral position with Prof. Antonia Statt and Prof. Simon Rogers at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.


  1. I. Ramírez Marrero, L. Boudreau, R. Gutzler, N. Kaiser, B. von Vacano, R. Konradi, S.L. Perry, "Decoupling the Effects of Charge Density and Hydrophobicity on the Phase Behavior and Viscoelasticity of Complex Coacervates," Macromolecules, (2024), 57(10), 4680-4694. [PDF]
  2. J. Madinya, H. Tjo, X. Meng, I.A. Ramírez Marrero, C.E. Sing, S.L. Perry, "Surface Charge Density and Steric Repulsion in Polyelectrolyte-Surfactant Coacervation," Macromolecules, (2023), 56(11), 3973-3988. [PDF]

Honors and Awards

2024 2nd Place - AIChE 8A Excellence in Graduate Polymer Research Symposium
2024 James Douglas Graduate Fellowship
2024 Carl Storm Underrepresented Minority Fellowship to support participation in the 2024 GRC on Bioinspired Materials
2023 ACS Bridge Travel Award
2022 Mentor - Nextprof Pathfinder Future Faculty Workshop
2022 SACNAS Travel Scholarship for the 2022 National Diversity in STEM Conference
Fall 2021 Eldridge Teaching Assistant Award