Perry Research Group

Group Meeting Calendar

Spring 2025

Group meetings are Fridays from 2:00-3:30pm in LSL N610 unless otherwise noted.
Date Research Safety Diversity
February 12th *4:00pm, N515 Jina Diwakaran Jussara
February 19th *1:30pm Sarah Perry - CBMS Seminar on Microfluidics for Structural Biology (virtual)
February 19th *4:00pm Sarah Perry - UMass MSE Seminar on Polyelectrolyte Complex Materials (GSMN 153)
February 21st Diwakaran, Jussara Abhik Ethan
February 28th Arvind, Xianci Elena Abhik
March 7th New England Complex Fluids Meeting - Yale
March 14th No Group Meeting - March Meeting
March 21th No Group Meeting - Spring Break/March Meeting
March 28th No Group Meeting - Department Recruiting
April 4th Khiem, Elena Arvind Vaishnavi
April 11th Vaishnavi, Baktha Arjun Arvind
April 18th No Group Meeting - Mass URC/Taekwondo Nationals
April 25th Faviola Vaishnavi Baktha
May 1st Faviola gives GRASS Seminar - 11:30am, LGRT 201
May 2nd Emily, Arjun Baktha Jussara
May 9th Yaozu, Ethan Xianci Arjun

Fall 2024

Date Research Safety Diversity
September 5th Rachel Segalman Seminar - 11:30-12:30 LGRT 1681
September 17th *4:00pm Sarthak - Practice for Pittsburgh Diffraction Conference Emily Ethan Rivers
September 24th Yaozu, Baktha Khiem Kelley
September 27th Donna Riley Lecture - 2:30-3:30 LSL 330
September 30th Alex Ayzner Seminar - 11:00-12:00 Conte A110/111
October 1st No Group Meeting - 3M Seminar Coffee Hour at 3:30pm
October 8th Diwakaran, Kelley Faviola
October 15th No Group Meeting - UCLA Structural Biology Summit
October 22nd Shaohsiang (Joe) Hung's GRASS Seminar - 11:30-12:30 LGRT 201
October 22nd Prof. Perry in the Netherlands, Isaac practice for AIChE
October 29th Sonu (last group meeting) Faviola Adhithi
November 5th No Group Meeting - ICCBM
November 7th Ron Larson Seminar - 11:30-12:30 LGRT 201
November 12th Hee Jeung Oh Seminar - 11:30-12:30 LGRT 201
November 12th Jussara, Emily Raneem Xianci
November 19th Faviola, Khiem Ethan Rivers Yaozu
November 26th No Group Meeting - Thanksgiving Week
*December 4th 2pm LSL N515 Isaac - Practice Defense
December 6th Isaac's PhD Defense - 10:00-12:00 in LSL N410
December 10th Arjun, Xianci Yaozu Emily

Summer 2024

Date Research Safety Diversity
July 12th *11:00-1:00 Júlia, Jussara Practice for GRS/GRC Elena Mazin
July 19th No Group Meeting - SENGI Activity 11:00-1:00, Furcolo 125/102/110
July 23rd Fire Extinguisher Training - 1:00pm
July 26th No Group Meeting - Taekwondo World Championships
August 2nd Sonu, Elena Xianci Jussara
August 9th No Group Meeting - Hong-Gyu Seong Defense, 2:30-3:30, Conte A110
August 16th Isaac Mazin Elena
August 23rd No Group Meeting - ACS Fall Meeting
August 30th No Group Meeting - Last Friday of Summer