Guide to Policy Messaging

    PEP Presentation
    Packing Messages for Policymakers: Presentation by Lisa M. Troy, PhD

    How to Reach Representatives

    National Priorities Project: Guide to Contacting Your Representative  

    The Commonwealth of MassachusettsSenate Committees

    Tips from PEP Policy Panel

    • Think about your areas of expertise: in what areas are you an authority?
    • Recognize that most legislators start their policy work in town governments; one way to form relationships and build your network is to connect with legislators at the local level.
    • Prepare press releases for your work (see "writing for non-academic audiences" panel).
    • Check on the standing committees in your state legislature; see if any of your areas of expertise match these committees’ current interests.
    • Note that the bills that are assigned to each committee are listed on the state legislature’s website: check to see whether you have policy-research match.





    In appreciation of their generous support, the UMass Public Engagement Project would like to thank the Office of the ProvostUniversity Relations, and the Colleges of Natural SciencesSocial and Behavioral Sciences Humanities and Fine ArtsEngineeringPublic Health and Health Sciences, and Education.  The UMass Public Engagement Project also recognizes and appreciates in-kind contributions and collaborations with the Center for Research on Families and the Institute for Social Science Research