Sanjay Arwade, 2020 PEP Fellow, is quoted in a story about Vineyard Wind, the nation’s largest offshore wind project, located 15 miles off Martha’s Vineyard and Nantucket

Sanjay Arwade expects wind power to continue to progress in the U.S., regardless of the outcome of the 2024 presidential election. “What I would expect to see at that point [by 2050] is dozens of individual projects, dozens of wind farms, and thousands of individual turbines along the coast, let’s say from Virginia to Maine, all of which are generating power and sending it to the onshore grid and powering homes with no emissions,” Arwade says. Read more here

In appreciation of their generous support, the UMass Public Engagement Project would like to thank the Office of the ProvostUniversity Relations, and the Colleges of Natural SciencesSocial and Behavioral Sciences Humanities and Fine ArtsEngineeringPublic Health and Health Sciences, and Education.  The UMass Public Engagement Project also recognizes and appreciates in-kind contributions and collaborations with the Center for Research on Families and the Institute for Social Science Research