Sanjay Arwade, 2020 PEP Fellow, discusses the Academic Center for Reliability and Resilience of Offshore Wind (ARROW)

Sanjay Arwade discussed the Academic Center for Reliability and Resilience of Offshore Wind (ARROW), a multimillion dollar national center of excellence to accelerate reliable and equitable offshore wind energy deployment across the nation and produce a well-educated domestic offshore wind workforce. “Offshore wind is at an earlier stage,” he says. “There’s a lot of offshore wind in Northern Europe and a little bit here — basically three projects are operating in the United States: Block Island, Vineyard Wind, and one in Virginia. So we’re at an earlier stage, but the potential is huge.” Read more here and here

In appreciation of their generous support, the UMass Public Engagement Project would like to thank the Office of the ProvostUniversity Relations, and the Colleges of Natural SciencesSocial and Behavioral Sciences Humanities and Fine ArtsEngineeringPublic Health and Health Sciences, and Education.  The UMass Public Engagement Project also recognizes and appreciates in-kind contributions and collaborations with the Center for Research on Families and the Institute for Social Science Research