Paul Collins, 2015 PEP Fellow, comments in an article examining a perceived conflict of interest

Paul Clement is a board member of the Bradley Foundation, and his possible involvement in the foundation’s funding of groups that filed pro-NRA amicus briefs in gun rights cases has raised questions. “If Clement approved grants to organizations that filed briefs backing his client in a Supreme Court case, he’s probably in compliance with the letter of the rule, but not with its spirit,” Collins says. Read more here

In appreciation of their generous support, the UMass Public Engagement Project would like to thank the Office of the ProvostUniversity Relations, and the Colleges of Natural SciencesSocial and Behavioral Sciences Humanities and Fine ArtsEngineeringPublic Health and Health Sciences, and Education.  The UMass Public Engagement Project also recognizes and appreciates in-kind contributions and collaborations with the Center for Research on Families and the Institute for Social Science Research