Julie Brigham-Grette, 2017 PEP Fellow, was cited in an article on upwelling fresh water around glacier systems

An article explains a phenomenon documented by Julie Brigham-Grette in which upwelling fresh water around glacier systems near Svalbard, Norway attracted flocks of birds to feed on small ocean creatures immobilized by the upwelling plumes from a rapid change in water salinity. Read more here

In appreciation of their generous support, the UMass Public Engagement Project would like to thank the Office of the ProvostUniversity Relations, and the Colleges of Natural SciencesSocial and Behavioral Sciences Humanities and Fine ArtsEngineeringPublic Health and Health Sciences, and Education.  The UMass Public Engagement Project also recognizes and appreciates in-kind contributions and collaborations with the Center for Research on Families and the Institute for Social Science Research