Website News

Our website will be transitioning to a new platform. Please refer to the attached document for further details and announcements.


Conflict, Peace and Nonviolence Announcement List

The Psychology of Peace and Violence Program hosts an announcement list on Conflict, Peace and Nonviolence to help faculty, students and community members in the Five College Area share information related to those topics.

The scope of issues relevant to this list is intentionally broad, to include different disciplinary perspectives, levels of analysis and areas of application. The list serves as a forum for posting information about:

  • undergraduate and graduate courses
  • speakers and events
  • conferences
  • informational resources (articles, books, websites, films, etc.)
  • research opportunities scholarships or fellowships
  • jobs, contracts, consulting opportunities

We hope you will use this list to share relevant information relevant to conflict, peace and nonviolence. We hope you will tell other faculty, students, community members, etc. who you think might be interested about this announcement list and encourage them to subscribe. Please note that this is an announcement list, not a discussion list. The listserv will be moderated to ensure that postings are relevant and received in ‘digest’ form (i.e. grouped into one e-mail message or less per day) so your inbox is not overloaded.

To subscribe:

Please type your email address and name in the subscribe box on the right of this page.

How to post a message to all the list members:

You can send it by email to: Your message will be reviewed by the moderator before it is sent out.

To speak with someone directly about this list, please contact the list moderator:

Psychology of Peace and Violence Program
Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences
University of Massachusetts
Amherst, MA 01003
Phone: 413-545-5957