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Talking Truth: Finding Your Voice Around the Climate Change Crisis - Emergent Strategy video and discussion

Talking Truth is an intentional coalition at UMass working to increase the conversation, awareness, and action around the climate crisis. 

Emergent Strategy video and discussion. 
W.E.B. Du Bois Library, 26th floor   Thurs 9/20  7:00-9:00 pm

We will watch a short video of a keynote address by adrienne maree brown. She shares keen insights into how the natural world teaches us about transformative justice, through ideas of adaptation, decentralization, resilience, iteration, fractal selves, and creating more possibilities. brown is the author of Emergent  Strategy: Shaping Change, Changing Worlds. Followed by facilitated discussion. 

Talking Truth co-sponsors: Office of Civic Engagement and Service-Learning, UMass Amherst Libraries, Dept. of Environmental Conservation, Psychology of Peace and Violence Program, Paperbark Literary Magazine.

Talking Truth endorsers:  Center for Counseling and Psychological Health,  Climateers, Eco-Rep Program, Biostead Initiative, Contemplative Pedagogy Working Group, Spiritual Ecology and Regenerative Systems Initiative, and Office of Religious and Spiritual Life

See full schedule of events



Thursday, September 20, 2018 - 19:00