Relevant Graduate Courses in Psychology
PSYCH 640 - Statistical Inference In Psychology I
PSYCH 641 - Statistical Inference In Psychology II
PSYCH 643 - Research Methods in Social Psychology
PSYCH 660 - Advanced Topics in Social Psychology
PSYCH 690W - Improving Group Relations
PSYCH 740 - Topic - Quantitative Psychology
PSYCH 762 - Social Cognition
PSYCH 891A - S-Prejudice, Stereotyping & Social Identity
PSYCH 891AB - S-Self and Identity
PSYCH 891B - S-Personality & Social Psych
PSYCH 891J - S-Hierarchical Linear Modeling
PSYCH 891MP - S-Multicultural Psychology
PSYCH 891PJ - S-The Psychology of International Justice
PSYCH 891RC - S-Roots of Conflict
PSYCH 891W - S-Introduction to Structural Equation Models
Related Graduate Courses in Other Disciplines
AFROAM 597D - ST-The Sociology of W.E.B. Du Bois
AFROAM 605 - African Americans and the Movement to Abolish Slavery
AFROAM 692B - S-The Black Power Movement
AFROAM 610 -Life & Thought of WEB Du Bois
AFROAM 690B - Civil War & Reconstruction
AFROAM 691F - S-Black Political Struggle & The American Political System
AFROAM 691K - S-Politics of Slavery & Coming of Civil War
AFROAM 691N - S-Critical Race Theories
AFROAM 697D - ST-Revisiting Reconstruction & Jim Crow
AFROAM 791C - S-Radical Perspectives in the African American Experience
ANTHRO 597EF - ST-Ethnolinguistic Formations
ANTHRO 597BB - ST-Anthropology of Violence
ANTHRO 597CR - ST-Critical Race Theory
ANTHRO 641 - Theory and Method in Social Anthropology I
ANTHRO 642- Theory and Method in Social Anthropology II
COMM 514 - Social Uses of Language
COMM 611 - Introduction to Theories and Concepts of Human Communication
COMM 613 - Theories of Social Interaction
COMM 620 - Qualitative Methods in Research
COMM 694G - S-Introduction to Cultural Studies
COMM 694W - S-Theory & Practice of Dialogue
COMM 781 - Ethnography Of Communication
COMM 793N - S-Film & The Civil Rights Era
COMM 794S - S: Communication for Development & Social Change II
COMM 794W - S-Language, Power & Identity
COMM 795N - S-Cultural Studies: Theoretical Foundations
ECON 700 - The Economics of Coordination, Cooperation & Conflict
EDUC 609 - Multicultural Group Processes
EDUC 615E - Race & Class in Higher Education
EDUC 648 - Oppression & Education
EDUC 691E - Seminar-Social Justice Issues In Education
EDUC 692B - S-Practicum Intergroup Dialogue Facilitation
EDUC 692SS - S-Critical Theories in Social Justice Education
EDUC 696O - IS-Social Justice Education
EDUC 732 - Behavior Analysis in Applied Settings: Theory, Research and Practice
EDUC 791N - S-Monitoring & Evaluation in International Contexts
EDUC 792G/744 - S-NGO's in International Development
EDUC 794J - S-Learning in Post-Conflict Settings
EDUC 795E - S-Theory, Research, Practice of Intergroup Dialogue
ENGLISH 891CC - S-Culture of Memory
GERMAN 697J - ST-Jews & German Culture
GERMAN 697MV - Interrogating Germanness: Minority Voices in Germany, 1960-Present
HISTORY 591J - S-Sacrifice & Martyrdom
HISTORY 591U - S-Using Oral Testimony
HISTORY 592C - S-Culture Wars
HISTORY 592G - S-The End of Slavery
HISTORY 593D - S-Israel and the Palestinians
HISTORY 594T - Rethinking Civil Rights Movement
HISTORY 692B - S-Topics in African American History: African American History, 19th & 20th Centuries
HISTORY 693J - S-Comparative Memory
HISTORY 697C - ST- Slavery
HISTORY 791F - S-African Americans & the Movement to Abolish Slavery
SCH-MGMT 597L - ST-Negotiation Theory & Practice
SCH-MGMT 680 - Organizational Behavior & Theory
SCH-MGMT 697BB - ST-Organizational Behavior & Theory
SCH-MGMT 697LS - ST-Developing Effective Leadership Skills
SCH-MGMT 795L - Seminar-Leadership & Beyond
SCH-MGMT 803 - Theory & Research in Organizational Behavior
SCH-MGMT 893L - S-Leadership & Empowerment
POLISCI 656 - International Law
POLISCI 661 - Civil Liberties
POLISCI 691E - S-Rules of War
POLISCI 697E - ST-Indigenous Rights and Social Movements
POLISCI 791DP - S-Diversity and Politics
POLISCI 791PP - S-Political Psychology
POLISCI 791S - S-Human Security
POLISCI 795E - S-Collective Action & Political Change
POLISCI 797BB - ST-Qualitative Research Methods
POLISCI 797C - ST-Race, Culture and American Politics
POLISCI 797CP - ST-Contentious Politics &Dynamics
POLISCI 797PD - ST-Protest and Dissent
POLISCI 797EP - ST-Ethnic Politics
POLISCI 797PP - ST-Comparative and Transnational Perspective on Protest: Part 1
POLISCI 797PR - ST-Comparative and Transnational Perspective on Protest: Part 2
POLISCI 797SP - ST-Gender, Race and Sexual Politics in the Americas
PUBP&ADM 603 - Public Policy Analysis
PUBP&ADM 621 - Conflict Resolution
PUBP&ADM 636 - Qualitative Research Methods
PUBP&ADM 651 - Social Inequities, Technology and Public Policy
PUBP&ADM 697DD - ST-Global Agenda-Setting
PUBP&ADM 697GN - ST-Organizational and Institutional Analysis
PUBP&ADM 697GW - ST-Grant Writing & Fund Raising for Policy Professionals
PUBP&ADM 697ID - ST-Immigration Debates and Public Policy
PUBP&ADM 697J - ST-Organization Theory & Design
PUBP&ADM 697K - ST-Comparative Public Policy
PUBP&ADM 697QM - ST-Qualitative Methods Seminar
PUBP&ADM 697SM - ST-Social Movements and Public Policy
SOCIOL 723 - Race & Ethnicity in the Sociological Imagination
SOCIOL 725 - Political Sociology
SOCIOL 728 - Social Movements
SOCIOL 729 - Sociology Of Culture
SOCIOL 791F - S-Fieldwork and Interviewing
SOCIOL 793J - S-Race, Racism & Inequality
SOCIOL 795P - S-Race & Place
SOCIOL 793R - S-Critical Race Theory
SOCIOL 795R - S-Race, Gender and Work