Room 423 Tobin Hall
Refreshments will be served
Most modern conflicts have multiple roots, usually involving some combination of ethnic, national, or religious antagonisms along with a history of grievances and provocations. But underlying all this, more often than not, is competition for vital resources - land, water, food, energy, minerals, etc. - coupled with inequities in their allocation (or in the allocation of the revenues, or "rents," produced by their exploitation). These issues must be addressed in any successful efforts at international peacemaking.
Michael Klare is the Five College Professor of Peace and World Security Studies, a joint appointment at Amherst, Hampshire, Mount Holyoke, and Smith Colleges and the University of Massachusetts at Amherst. His also serves as Director of the Five College Program in Peace and World Security Studies.
Professor Klare has written widely on world security affairs, resource geopolitics, and energy issues. His most recent books include Resource Wars (2001), Blood and Oil (2005), Rising Powers, Shrinking Planet (2008), and The Race for What’s Left (2012). Klare is the defense correspondent of The Nation magazine and written for many other publications, including Current History, Foreign Affairs, Newsweek, and Scientific American.
In addition to his academic and writing pursuits, Dr. Klare has worked with many non-governmental organizations on issues of peace, disarmament, human rights, and the environment. He currently serves on the board of directors of the Arms Control Association.