Özden Melis Uluğ explores the role of victimhood narratives in achieving justice and peace

ozden melis ulugÖzden Melis Uluğ, a Postdoctoral Research Associate in the Psychology of Peace and Violence Program, received a new grant from the Society for Personality and Social Psychology (SPSP). The title of her project is "Turning non-allies into allies: The role of inclusive victimhood narratives in achieving justice and peace." 

Uluğ will explore how conflict narratives may be helpful in achieving peace and justice in conflict contexts. She plans to conduct two studies in two different conflict contexts: (1) Israel and (2) Poland. In both studies, adaptation of materials to the Israeli and Polish context as well as translations will be facilitated by Gilad Hirschberger and Michał Bilewicz. Uluğ will also collaborate with Bernhard Leidner, associate professor of psychological and brain sciences, and Quinnehtukqut McLamore, a PhD student in the Psychology of Peace and Violence Program.