The Dallas Fort Worth Living Lab is a research platform for advancing severe weather warning systems through active collaboration and partnerships with emergency managers, stormwater managers, and the National Weather Service forecasters in the Dallas Fort Worth metroplex. The lab operates a sensors-to-people severe weather warning system that functions simultaneously as a real time warning system and as a platform for advancing interdisciplinary research. The Living Lab is centered on a network of 7 CASA X-band radars, but includes rain gauges, disdrometers, and infrasound sensors. Over the last 10 years, the lab has been operated through an innovative multisector partnership, among University of Massachusetts Amherst, Colorado State University, the North Central Texas Council of Governments, the National Weather Service, emergency managers, and industry. The North Texas based partners fund the operation of the radar network, while the academic partners leverage the living lab for grants that advance the technology and its application.