Atmospheric Research for Social & Economic Benefits

The Paros Center for Atmospheric Research addresses the interconnected challenges presented by climate change, shifting weather patterns, aging infrastructure, and social vulnerability. Through our interdisciplinary research and education, we seek to create new science with positive impacts on the economy and community resiliency.

Wake vortex from airplane

Explore Our Research

PCAR supports fundamental and applied, interdisciplinary research in:

  • Atmospheric Sciences
  • Geophysical Distributed Sensing 
  • Hazard Mitigation and Warning

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New Faculty Position Open

Paros Chair for Atmospheric Research 
Engineering/College of Natural Sciences

We invite applications for this position which is defined broadly in the area of Atmospheric Science, including areas such as meteorology, climate dynamics, atmospheric chemistry, sensing, and modeling...

Jerome And Linda Paros  Invest in the Future of Atmospheric Research

Jerome and Linda Paros Invest in the Future of Atmospheric Research

The University of Massachusetts Amherst College of Engineering (COE) has received a $10 million gift from Jerome ’60 and Linda Paros aimed at accelerating its cutting-edge work in atmospheric research and hazard mitigation by enabling a new center of excellence...