
Housing Seth Landman

OEB students live all across the Pioneer Valley. Most current students live in Amherst or Northampton, with others calling the nearby towns such as Ashfield, Belchertown, Conway, Deerfield, Granby, Leverett, Sunderland, and Greenfield home. Your choice of where to live will affect your options for getting to campus: buses are available from Amherst, Northampton, Sunderland, and Belchertown, but bus service does not extend to all places that OEB students live. Rental units tend to be more expensive in Amherst and Northampton than in other towns, and many of the apartment complexes in the immediate vicinity of campus tend to cater to the undergraduate population. There is no campus family housing. Students choose to rent from condominium or apartment complexes, multi-family houses, or share a house or apartment with roommates. You can find more information on places to live at off campus student services and online rental websites. Many students post roommate and housing requests on the departmental list-serv.