GEO: Graduate Employee Organization
GEO: Graduate Employee Organization Seth LandmanIf you have any kind of assistantship while at the University, such as a teaching assistantship (TA), research assistantship (RA), internship, some working fellowships, etc., you can become a member of GEO. GEO is our union that has negotiated several reductions in fees for its members. In order to qualify to be a GEO member, you must work at least 10 hours each week during both the Fall and Spring semesters as a teaching or research assistant (or 20 hours per week during either the Fall or Spring semester). Although many fees are waived for GEO-eligible students, not all are covered.
GEO was formed as a unit of the United Auto Workers local 2322, based in Holyoke, in 1990. GEO’s main goal is to negotiate a contract with the University Administration that includes fair wages and benefits for its members.
Benefits of GEO
- Tuition and curriculum fee waivers
- Discounted health insurance (95% of premium waived on individual and 90% on family plans), which includes mental health services
- $225 Wellness reimbursement
- Discounted parking permits
- Childcare reimbursements and subsidized childcare through the UMass Center for Early Education & Care depending on income level. More info on childcare below.
- Dental insurance (free for individuals and $100/year for family plans)
- Free vision insurance
- Help in resolving workplace conflicts
Tuition & Curriculum Fee Waivers (does not cover CPE courses)
- If you work at least 20 hours per week during either semester (RA or TA), you qualify for tuition and curriculum fee waivers through GEO. This can be a single 20-hour assistantship in a single semester or one 10-hour assistantship in each semester. If you taught two 3 credit courses within a one-year period you also qualify for tuition and curriculum fee waivers. If you only work one 10-hour appointment during a single semester, then you will only qualify for the waiver for a single semester.
Time Off & Paid Leave
- If you have a 10 hour/week contract, you receive 20 hours of vacation time per semester. If you have a 20 hour/week contract, you have 40 hours of vacation time per semester. You have to work with your RA/TA faculty to schedule this time.
- GEO members are eligible for up to 5 weeks of paid parental/family and sick leave
Prestigious Graduate Fellows
- Previously known as “non working fellows”, (graduate students whose salaries are funded via externally secured grants), Prestigious Graduate Fellows are now eligible to join the union so they can receive these same benefits.The graduate college has some challenges with keeping track of who is a PGF so submit your award information here and be sure to follow up with Heidi Bauer-Clapp, @email, so you can receive health benefits, tuition coverage, and other GEO benefits. Please know that as of right now some benefits such as access to Adobe are not available because they are actually not through GEO but are “college employee” benefits. Hopefully the union will continue to bargain with the university to give that designation. You can purchase Adobe and then request reimbursement through the graduate college, which takes up to 2 weeks.
Workplace Conflicts
If you feel that your contract is being violated in any way (discrimination, overwork, late pay), you can contact the OEB GEO Steward (2023: Chris Claypool and Beth Rogers) or the GEO office directly to speak with the staff about your options. The DEI Committee has also provided a resource on managing workplace conflicts here.
Getting Involved in GEO
- Check out the website.
- Information will be made available from GEO during the student orientation in the fall. Stay tuned for information at that point to learn how to pay dues, how to become involved, and who to contact with any questions.
- Visit the GEO office in room 201 in the Student Union Building. The staff there can answer any union-related questions you might have.
- Read the GEO emails that you receive to stay on top of what is going on.
- Attend the membership meetings. All GEO members are welcome.
- Become the next OEB GEO Steward!