Tammy L. Wilson
Research Assistant Professor, Environmental Conservation; Unit Leader, USGS Massachusetts Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research
Ph.D. Wildlife Ecology, Utah State University
M.S. Wildlife Ecology, Utah State University
B.A. Biology, University of Colorado
I am an applied quantitative ecologist interested in the responses of wildlife to anthropogenic change. I specialize in the application of statistical models to determine species distribution, abundance, and habitat selection at multiple scales. I apply this work to support science-based decision-making in wildlife management and conservation. I mainly work on birds and mammals in upland habitats, but have been known to get my feet wet to work on fish and marine invertebrates on occasion.
Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=EboSj5kAAAAJ&hl=en(link is external)
- Kolstrom, R., T.L. Wilson, L.M. Gigliotti. 2020. Using a Bayesian network model to evaluate bald eagle vital signs monitoring in southwest Alaska National Parks. Ecology and Evolution 10: 8114-8126.
- Bowen, L., K. Counihan, B. Ballachey, H. Coletti, T. Hollmen, B. Pister, T.L. Wilson. 2020. Monitoring nearshore ecosystem health using Pacific razor clams (Siliqua patula) as an indicator species. Peerj: e8761.
- Schmidt, J.H., J. Putera, T.L. Wilson. 2020. Direct and indirect effects of temperature and prey abundance on bald eagle reproductive dynamics. Oecologia. 192: 391-401.
- Counihan, K., L. Bowen, B. Ballachey, H. Coletti, T. Hollmen, B. Pister, T.L. Wilson. 2019. Physiological and gene transcription assays to assess responses of mussels to environmental changes. Peerj 7:e7800.
- Wright, M. R.L. Sherriff, A.E. Miller, T. Wilson. 2018. Stand basal area and temperature interact to influence growth in white spruce in southwest Alaska. Ecosphere. 9(10): e02462.
- Wilson, T.L, J.H. Schmidt, B. Mangipane, R. Kolstrom, K. Bartz. 2018. Nest use dynamics of an undisturbed population of bald eagles. Ecology and Evolution. 8: 7346-7354.
- Schumann, D.A., W.W. Hoback, K.D. Koupal, C.W. Schoenebeck, S. Schainost, T.L. Wilson. 2017. Experimental analysis of reintroduction strategies to conserve the imperiled Plains Topminnow Fundulus sciadicus in Nebraska. Endangered Species Research. 34: 349-355.
- Miller, A.E., T.L. Wilson, R.L. Sherriff, J. Walton. 2017. Warming drives a front of white spruce recruitment near western treeline, Alaska. Global Change Biology. 23: 5509-5522.
- Schmidt, J.H., T.L. Wilson, W.L. Thompson, J.H. Reynolds. 2017. Improving inference for aerial surveys of bears: The importance of assumptions and the cost of unnecessary complexity. Ecology and Evolution 7:4816-4821.
- Wilson, T.L., L.M. Phillips, and B. Mangipane. 2017. Improving bald eagle nest monitoring with a second spring survey. The Journal of Wildlife Management 81: 545-551.
- Ellis, K.S., R.T. Larsen, J.C. Whiting, T.L. Wilson, and B.R. McMillan. 2017. Assessing indirect measures of abundance and distribution with remote cameras: simplifying indices of activity at pygmy rabbit burrows. Ecological Indicators 77: 23-30.
- Wilson, T.L., J.H. Schmidt. 2015. Scale dependence in occupancy models: implications for estimating bear den distribution and abundance. Ecosphere 6(9): art168.
- Lindsay, C., J. Zhu, A.E. Miller, P. Kirchner, T.L. Wilson. 2015. Deriving snow cover metrics for Alaska from MODIS. Remote Sensing 7: 12961-12985.
- Wilson, T.L., J.H. Schmidt, W.L. Thompson, L.M. Phillips. 2014. Using double‐observer aerial surveys to monitor nesting bald eagles in Alaska: Are all nests available for detection? The Journal of Wildlife Management 78: 1096–1103.
- Wilson, T.L., A.P. Rayburn, T.C. Edwards Jr. 2012. Spatial ecology of refuge selection by an herbivore under risk of predation. Ecosphere 3(1): art6.
- Wilson, T.L., F.P. Howe, T.C. Edwards Jr. 2011. Effects of sagebrush treatments on multi-scale resource selection by pygmy rabbits. The Journal of Wildlife Management 75: 393–398.
- Wilson, T.L., J.B. Odei, M.B. Hooten, T.C. Edwards Jr. 2010. Hierarchical spatial models for pygmy rabbit distribution and relative abundance. Journal of Applied Ecology 47: 401-409.
- Ellis, K.S., R.T. Larsen, J.C. Whiting, T.L. Wilson, and B.R. McMillan. 2017. Assessing indirect measures of abundance and distribution with remote cameras: simplifying indices of activity at pygmy rabbit burrows. Ecological Indicators 77: 23-30.
- Wilson, T.L., J.H. Schmidt. 2015. Scale dependence in occupancy models: implications for estimating bear den distribution and abundance. Ecosphere 6(9): art168.
- Lindsay, C., J. Zhu, A.E. Miller, P. Kirchner, T.L. Wilson. 2015. Deriving snow cover metrics for Alaska from MODIS. Remote Sensing 7: 12961-12985.
- Wilson, T.L., J.H. Schmidt, W.L. Thompson, L.M. Phillips. 2014. Using double‐observer aerial surveys to monitor nesting bald eagles in Alaska: Are all nests available for detection? The Journal of Wildlife Management 78: 1096–1103.
- Wilson, T.L., A.P. Rayburn, T.C. Edwards Jr. 2012. Spatial ecology of refuge selection by an herbivore under risk of predation. Ecosphere 3(1): art6.
- Wilson, T.L., F.P. Howe, T.C. Edwards Jr. 2011. Effects of sagebrush treatments on multi-scale resource selection by pygmy rabbits. The Journal of Wildlife Management 75: 393–398.
- Wilson, T.L., J.B. Odei, M.B. Hooten, T.C. Edwards Jr. 2010. Hierarchical spatial models for pygmy rabbit distribution and relative abundance. Journal of Applied Ecology 47: 401-409.