Holdsworth Hall Room 212


Kristina Stinson


Ph.D., Organismic & Evolutionary Biology, UMass Amherst, Expected Summer 2023

M.A., Biology, Duke University, 2017

B.A., Biological Sciences, Smith College, 2015


I am a PhD candidate in Organismic and Evolutionary Biology in the Stinson Lab. I am broadly interested in plant physiological responses to global change. Currently I am researching Alliaria petiolata's (garlic mustard) physiology in the context of increased soil warming and nitrogen deposition from different populations across Massachusetts. After completing my doctorate, I aspire to work at a teaching-focused institution where I can share my love of plant ecology and evolution. I hope to work closely with first-generation college and other underrepresented students because I am the first in my family to obtain both a college and graduate degree.


Peer-Reviewed Publications

  • Beaury, E.M., Fusco, E.J., Jackson, M.R. et al. (2019). Incorporating climate change into invasive species management: insights from managers. Biological Invasions
  • Jackson, M.R. and Bellemare, J. (2018). The potential for indirect negative effects of exotic insect species on a liverwort, Bazzania trilobata, mediated by the decline of a foundation tree species, Tsuga canadensisJournal of the Torrey Botanical Society 145(3): 183-194.
  • Stinson, K.A., Frey, S.D., Jackson, M.R., Coates-Connor, E., Anthony, M., and Martinez, K. (2018). Responses of non-native earthworms to experimental eradication of garlic mustard, and implications for native vegetation.  Ecosphere 9(7):e02353.
  • Weston, D.J., Turetsky, M.R., Johnson, M. G., Granath, G., Lindo, Z.… Jackson, M.R., … Shaw,  Jonathan, A. (2018). The Sphagnome Project: enabling ecological and evolutionary insights through a genus-level sequencing project. New Phytologist 217: 16–25.

Other Publications

  • Stinson, K.A., Argetsinger, S., Jackson, M.R., Coates-Connor, E., and Meadows-McDonnell, M. (2018). Here's the Dirt: The Newest Recommendations for Garlic Mustard Management. 
  • Fusco, E.J., Allen, J.M., Beaury, E.B., Jackson, M.R., Laginhas, B.B., Morelli, T.L., and Bradley, B.A. (2018).  Regional Invasive Species & Climate Change Management Challenge: Why Native? Benefits of planting native species in a changing climate. 
  • Jackson, M.R. (2015). Potential effects of eastern hemlock decline on the hemlock-associated liverwort Bazzania trilobata. The Mellon Mays Undergraduate Fellowship Journal 2015: 46-49.