173B Goessmann


2006, Doctor of Science, Russian Academy of Sciences 

1994, PhD, Russian Academy of Sciences  

1990, MSc, Moscow State Pedagogical University

Research Interests

According to the Developmental Origins of Health and Disease (DOHaD) hypothesis, exposure to stressors during vulnerable windows of prenatal and early-life development may impact adult disease later in life. Although there is growing evidence of long term effects of xenobiotics on different health effects, and in particular on metabolic health, and social behavior, this field yet resides in its infancy. Most experimental studies focus on final health endpoints and mechanistic knowledge is scarce. Lack of mechanistic understanding makes it extremely challenging to prevent long-term health effects, predict possible effects of new xenobiotics, and identify nodal points of action, which might serve as therapeutic targets to treat environmentally-mediated disease. Thus our goal is to understand molecular and other mechanisms perturbation of which during early windows of plasticity by environmental stressors may result in long-lasting health effects and ultimately have significant impact on public health.