Renting 101: First Time Renters' Resources

Renting for the first time can feel overwhelming in the beginning, and rentals in college towns can fill quickly. However, this doesn’t mean you should rush to sign a lease on the first place you find available. We recommend beginning the search for an off-campus apartment for the next school year in the early spring semester, with a goal of signing a lease by the end or March/beginning of April. Starting the process early helps ensure that you choose the right housemates, find a location that works for you, and sign a lease that fits your situation. Amherst and the surrounding towns are home to a combination of housing complexes and individual homes, in both student-prominent and mixed-resident neighborhoods. Consider the type of environment that best suits your learning and social style. Students applying to large housing complexes may find themselves waitlisted by the property manager if the demand is high. We strongly urge you to continue to apply for other apartments if this is the case. A waitlist is not a guarantee of a place to live. Just like applying for college, you should not rely entirely on a waitlist to make a decision.