About SRTI

The Student Response to Instruction (SRTI) instrument is a tool for collecting students’ perspectives about their instructional experiences. The items on the instrument focus on aspects of teaching that are highly related to student learning and satisfaction and are appropriate for the wide variety of instructional styles and courses taught at UMass Amherst.

The SRTI online system was developed and is maintained by UMass Amherst IT in collaboration with ASER. Each semester, with the assistance of department and program SRTI Coordinators, we administer surveys for credit‐bearing lecture, lab, seminar, studio/skills, and colloquium sections in participating programs and departments. In addition to the regular SRTI, we administer surveys tailored to Integrative Experience courses, First Year Seminars, and University Without Walls courses. Upon request, we can administer the Student Response to Discussions/Labs for non-credit lab and discussion sections.

SRTI Administration
Administration Dates and Details
Types of SRTI Forms
Encouraging Student Response to SRTI

SRTI Results
SRTI Results and Reporting
Interpreting SRTI Results: A Guide for Instructors
A Guide for Using SRTI Results to Inform Merit, Promotion, and Tenure

SRTI Design
SRTI Development and Design
Reliability and Validity Research for SRTI and Course Ratings in General