Exemplary Syllabi

Exemplary Syllabi Examples

Anthro 494RI: Religion, Evolution, and Human Biology

In addition to drawing on the template General Education Council language for the IE requirement, this syllabus offers an example of a tailored IE statement. The instructor is explicit and transparent when talking about how students will achieve the various objectives of an IE course. The role of reflection and integration is clear, and the IE statement emphasizes the important relationship and connections between GenEd learning experiences and those of the major.

Art History 415: Methods of Art History

This syllabus has a strong IE statement that discusses the value of General Education courses to students' learning in the major. It moves beyond the template language of the IE to make specific connections between IE objectives and the objectives of this course. From this syllabus, both its IE statement and discussion of assignments, it's clear to students how and why they will achieve the IE requirement outcomes. Also noteworthy is the instructor’s emphasis on the value of General Education to one’s learning in the major, and the distinct links made between the IE objectives and the objectives of the course.

Comm 494XI: Media and Prejudice

This syllabus offers an example of how to expand upon the basic IE template language to make clear connections between intended outcomes and the specifics of the course. For each criterion, the instructor provides details about course activities, topics, and themes that will be used to facilitate students' achievement of the IE objectives. This course illustrates how reflection and integration can be woven throughout a course, with multiple and ongoing reflection papers that ask students to connect prior learning experiences to course material.

English 494EI: Writing, Identity, and English Studies

This course provides an example of IE that is centered on reflection on and integration of one's own learning in various contexts to project to one's future. The syllabus offers an IE statement that expands upon template language to highlight how the course's writing-focus helps students achieve the objectives of the IE. Although brief, the syllabus clearly describes how students will be asked to reflect on and integrate their prior learning experiences through a variety of lenses.

Japanese 494RI: Communicating in Japanese

Like some of the other syllabi, this syllabus for a team-based learning course offers specific examples and brief descriptions about how students will achieve each IE objective throughout the course. The instructor highlights the important connection between the course and major objectives and those of the IE.

NatSci 489H: Integrative Science Senior Exposition Seminar

This course is an example of a 1-credit option that fulfills IE criterion 1, with students having completed a separate course focused on criteria 2 and 3. The IE statement makes explicit the work students have already completed to satisfy criteria 2 and 3, while focusing their attention on the importance of criterion 1 and how they will fulfill the requirement in the course. The syllabus likewise underscores the value of integrating one’s prior learning, including the role of General Education experiences to the major. Attention is also paid to the links between General Education objectives and those of the course and overall major. 

PoliSci 394DI: Protest and Dissent

This syllabus offers a strong IE statement that shows how IE objectives are woven into the course and conveys the value of reflective and integrative thinking. IE objectives are “translated” into the context of the course, and it is clear to students how they will achieve these outcomes throughout the course. Additionally, the syllabus offers a detailed description of the assignments that contribute to and support the IE objectives, namely the Electronic Journal assignment.

ResEcon 394LI: Life is Full of Choices: An Integrated Experience Seminar

This course is a 1-credit option focused on IE criterion 1; students fulfill the requirements for criteria 2 and 3 in a separate course. Focused on criterion 1, this course focuses entirely on reflection and integration of one’s learning, and articulates for students how they might use that learning in a future career, preparing them for presentation for a job or graduate school. Additionally, this course uses the SBS Pathways program as a framework for students to reflect on their broader educational experiences at UMass.

Spanish 394PI (2 cr.) + Spanish 494RI (1 cr.): Integrative Experience for Spanish + Portuguese Majors

These courses offer an example of experiential learning “bookend” courses for students. Spanish 394PI, the first course in the sequence, asks students to consider both their General Education and major experiences as they prepare for an experiential learning opportunity (studying abroad, internship, service-learning). Following this opportunity, students take Spanish 494RI, in which they reflect on the role of General Education courses, their major, and the experiential learning opportunity. Across these courses, students are given the opportunity to reflect on and integrate their General Education experiences in both the major course, but also a “real-world” experience.