UMass Amherst Libraries

UMass Amherst Libraries

The UMass Amherst Library system has holdings that include more than 6 million books, periodicals and government documents. The W.E.B. Du Bois Library is the largest site, and provides access to to many reference materials and collections. 

Electronic references are available with a UMass IT account, searchable on the library website(s).

Please Note: Firewalls may preclude your ability to access e-journals! Please take the necessary steps to ensure that you can access e-journals and other materials.

Library Resources for Nursing Programs

Nurse Librarian Liaison: Ellen Lutz (lutz [at] library [dot] umass [dot] edu (lutz[at]library[dot]umass[dot]edu))

The UMass Library System is a wealth of information and a place you will want to get to know quickly. The UMass Library has a guide specifically designed for students in Nursing. 


ScholarWorks@UMass Amherst is a digital repository for the research and scholarly output of members of the University of Massachusetts Amherst community. It is administered by the UMass Amherst Libraries. Students are highly encouraged to post their work after completion of DNP projects or PhD dissertations. Instructions are given in the DNP Capstone courses when you are ready to submit. 

View past DNP projects on ScholarWorks here

View past PhD dissertations on ScholarWorks here.