Media Advisory

UMass Amherst School of Public Health and Health Sciences Presents Health Equity Discussion with Sen. Comerford in Dean’s Seminar Series


DATE: Tuesday, Oct. 26

TIME: 5-6 p.m.

WHAT: Dean’s Seminar Series continues with headline event: state Sen. Comerford discussing health equity legislation she is co-sponsoring.

WHERE: Virtual Zoom event

WHO: The event is open to the public. Register here.

NEWS Jo Comerford
Sen. Jo Comerford

The University of Massachusetts Amherst School of Public Health and Health Sciences will host a talk with state Sen. Jo Comerford in the headline event of the Fall 2021 Dean’s Seminar Series.

Comerford, who represents portions of Hampshire, Franklin and Worcester counties in the state Senate, will discuss legislation she’s co-sponsoring with state Rep. Liz Miranda. The Health Equity at All Levels in Government (HEALING) Act is designed to eliminate health inequities through state action.

Dean Anna Maria Siega-Riz says, “I am delighted that Sen. Comerford has accepted this invitation to speak to our community concerning a very important public health topic that is at the core of our mission. Racism is a public health issue. We need to acknowledge it and accept that it has permeated all sectors of society, including the social determinants of health, for far too long. Increasing our understanding of this issue and how government can implement change and be held accountable is what this seminar will be about.”

Anna Maria Siega-Riz
Anna Maria Siega-Riz

The Dean’s Seminar Series continues in November with a focus on the research of faculty members Kathryn Derose (Nov. 2) and Elizabeth Evans (Nov. 16).

The Dean’s Seminar Series highlights faculty members, community and state leaders, nationally recognized scholars and exceptional alumni to discuss scientific topics representing the wide range of disciplines found within public health and health sciences. The series aims to engage all types of listeners from all different experiences and backgrounds.