Musgrave Named 2019-20 Spotlight Scholar

Paul Musgrave
Paul Musgrave

During his sophomore year of college, UMass Amherst political science professor Paul Musgrave awoke to a changed world.

“I remember a Tuesday morning I was sleeping in because I didn’t have any early classes, and my suitemate kept knocking on the door, saying ‘You need to come see the TV right now.’”

The 9/11 attacks that day, along with the Bush v. Gore decision and the run-up to war in Iraq, were central to Musgrave’s decision to pursue a career devoted to making sense of the political tumult he was witnessing.

Musgrave has been named a 2019-20 Spotlight Scholar for his work exploring the ramifications of partisanship and its impact on both domestic and foreign policymaking. Read more.