Student Life
Early Presidential Primary Voting Available on Campus Feb. 25-27
The Town of Amherst is hosting an early presidential primary voting event on campus for any student registered to vote at their dorm address and voters, including students, registered in any precinct in Amherst. This early voting option will be available in Bartlett Hall, room 316A on Feb. 25, 26, or 27 between 4 and 7:30 p.m.
To vote by absentee ballot, requests must be received by the voter’s local election official by noon on Monday, March 2 and completed ballots returned by Tuesday, March 3 to be counted for the primary.
On election day, polling locations in Amherst will be open 7 a.m. to 8 p.m.
Voters may be required to show an ID at their polling place.
More information is available on the student life website.