Doctoral Oral Exams for Feb. 11-15

The graduate dean invites all graduate faculty to attend the final oral examinations for the doctoral candidates scheduled as follows:

Hyunsook Shin, Ph.D., College of Education, Monday, Feb. 11, 10 a.m., W209 Furcolo. Dissertation: “A Semiotic Analysis of Linguistic and Conceptual Development in Mathematics for English Language Learners.” Margaret Gebhard, chr.

Sarah Ford, Ph.D., Sociology, Tuesday, Feb. 12, 12 p.m., 1028 Thompson. Dissertation: “Public and Private in the Blogosphere.” Robert Zussman, chr.

Elena Sesma, Ph.D., Anthropology, Thursday, Feb. 14, 1 p.m., E-17 Machmer. Dissertation: “The Political Work of Memory in Collaborative Caribbean Archeology.” Whitney Battle-Baptiste, chr.

Mark Roblee, Ph.D., History, Thursday, Feb. 14, 1:30 p.m., 601 Herter Hall. Dissertation: “’Greetings, I am an Immortal God!’ Reading, Imagination, and Personal Divinity in Late Antiquity, 2nd-5th Centuries CE.” Carlin Barton, chr.

Fatemeh Etemadi, Ph.D., Plant and Soil Science, Friday, Feb. 15, 1 p.m., Paige Lab, Conference Room. Dissertation: “Introducing Faba Bean as a New Multi-purpose Crop for Northeast U.S.A.” Masoud Hashemi, chr.