Commencement Update: Limited Number of Guests Can Attend Ceremonies

Dear Campus Community,
I am pleased to share some exciting news regarding our upcoming commencement ceremonies. As a direct result of Governor Baker’s announcement earlier this week that the Commonwealth is further reducing pandemic restrictions, we are now able to welcome a limited number of registered guests — two people per graduate — to our commencement ceremonies.
We have all endured a most difficult year, and we are truly excited to have this opportunity to host guests to honor the Class of 2021 at our Graduate School Commencement on May 13 and our Undergraduate Commencement on May 14. However, even with the announcement of the state’s modified pandemic-related guidelines, a number of public health protocols and COVID-19 restrictions will remain in place to ensure the health and wellbeing of attendees, including social distancing and facemask requirements.
Graduating students may invite up to two guests and are responsible for registering those guests prior to the ceremony. Eligible graduates will receive a follow-up communication with instructions on guest registration for commencement.
As we’ve stated in previous communications, all graduates planning to attend commencement must register as well and must comply with testing requirements. They must wear a mask to gain entry to the ceremonies and practice social distancing in compliance with the state’s commencement requirements.
Mask wearing and social distancing will be required of all attendees, including graduates and their guests throughout the ceremonies. The ceremonies will be livestreamed for those unable to attend, or who wish to celebrate from a distance.
If you have specific questions about the undergraduate ceremonies, please contact the Office of External Relations and University Events at or 413-577-1101. For the graduate ceremony, please contact the Graduate School at 413-545-0722 or
We look forward to welcoming guests to campus to mark this most important day in the lives of our graduates. Your ongoing support of public health measures and your extraordinary perseverance have made this all possible.
Chancellor Kumble R. Subbaswamy