Chancellor Shares 2018-2023 Strategic Plan With Campus

Old Chapel

Chancellor Kumble R. Subbaswamy today shared a new strategic plan with the UMass community through a campus-wide email. The 2018-2023 plan, “Be Revolutionary: A Vision for the Future,” is the result of a five-year process that involved stakeholders from throughout the campus community.

The chancellor noted that achieving the plan’s ambitious goals will require a commitment by every member of the campus community. He said, “I ask each one of you to read it and find ways to advance our goals through your daily work, including departmental planning; setting personal and unit performance goals; applying for grants; and sharing our vision with prospective job candidates.”

Here is the chancellor’s message to community:

Dear Campus Community,

It is an exciting time at UMass Amherst. In recent years, we have worked together to improve every aspect of the flagship campus and have experienced unprecedented momentum as measured by every conceivable metric.

Our success has come from thinking strategically, implementing creative, data-driven solutions, and nurturing a culture of planning and assessment. In that spirit, I am pleased to share with you our 2018-2023 Campus Strategic Plan, “Be Revolutionary: A Vision for the Future.”

The plan, which is the result of a five-year campus-wide process, charts a course for the flagship campus to deliver, for the people of Massachusetts and beyond, a public university that provides revolutionary ideas and impact on par with the best public universities in the nation and the world.

Achieving our ambitious goals will require a commitment by every member of our campus community to play a part in implementing this plan. I ask each one of you to read it and find ways to advance our goals through your daily work, including departmental planning; setting personal and unit performance goals; applying for grants; and sharing our vision with prospective job candidates.

As we internalize the plan and use it to guide our future decision-making, it is important to keep in mind the numerous campus stakeholders who had a hand in its creation, including the Campus Leadership Council; Deans’ Council; Faculty Senate; the Campus Planning and Resource Committee; the Chancellor’s Campus Council; Graduate Student Senate; Student Government Association; Student Advisory Boards for the Vice Chancelleries; and the Alumni Association Board. There were also working groups formed to focus on key strategic areas: Diversity and Inclusion; Research and Scholarship; Undergraduate Education and Experience; Resources; Graduate Education and Experience; and Outreach and Engagement.

These various campus entities contributed to a draft plan, which was shared with the campus community last spring. Feedback was solicited online, in open forums, and in meetings with faculty and student governance, administrators, and external stakeholders. The plan was revised based on this feedback and the new version presented to the Faculty Senate in April 2018.

I thank everyone who contributed to the creation of our strategic plan and I am confident that, with its adoption, UMass Amherst will continue its unprecedented momentum. We have achieved so much in recent years, and I am truly excited to build on our success.

Thank you and GO UMASS!


Kumble R. Subbaswamy