
45- to 60-Year-old Volunteers Needed for Study on How Seeing a Speaker Helps with Understanding Speech

Adults 45 years and older (<60 years) are needed for a study on how seeing a speaker’s face
helps with understanding what the speaker said.

Researchers in the Language, Intersensory Perception and Speech (LIPS) lab at UMass Amherst are seeking volunteers with American English as their first language.

The study requires a 2-hour visit and a 3-hour visit to the lab on campus. Participants will be paid $10 per hour for their time. All personnel has volunteered to wear masks and currently only appointments for participants willing to wear doubled surgical masks are open.

The first lab visit includes various computerized tasks that assess hearing, vision, and judgments about what a speaker says. The second visit involves recording the participants’ brain waves with an EEG cap on their head while they watch and listen to a speaker.

Leave a message at (413) 461-0299 or email for more information about the study and to learn more about eligibility.