Selected Peer-reviewed Publications
Troy, LM. Insights into improving diet quality among postmenopausal women: a matter of context. Menopause. 2020 Jul; 27(7):730-732
Shalet AT, Tropp LR, Troy LM. Making Research Usable Beyond Academic Circles: A Relationsal Model of Public Engagement. SPSSI. 2020 Apr 27; 0(0):1-21.
Lin H, Rogers GT, Lunetta KL, Zhao Q, Levy D, Miao X, Larson MG; Troy LM, Jacques PF, Murabito JM. Healthy diet is associated with gene expression in blood: the Framingham Heart Study. Am J Clin Nutr. 2019 Sept 1; 110(3):742-749.
Houghton SC, Manson JE, Whitcomb BW, Hankinson SE, Troy LM, Bigelow C, Bertone-Johnson ER. Protein intake and the risk of premenstrual syndrome. Pub Health Nutr. 2019 July; 22(10):1762-1769.
Heimburger DC, Hermann M, McClung JP, McGuire MK, Rasmussen KM, Troy LM, Young SL. History and Perspectives on the Dannon Institute Early-Career Nutrition Leadership Institute. Nutr Today. 2019 July/Aug; 54(4):165-169.
Purdue-Smithe AC, Whitcomb BW, Manson JE, Hankinson SE, Troy LM, Rosner BA, Bertone-Johnson ER. A prospective study of dairy food intake and early menopause. Am J Epidemiol. 2019 Jan 1; 188(1):188-196
Hsiao B, Sibeko L, Troy LM. A Systematic Review of Mobile Produce Markets: Facilitators and Barriers to Use, and Associations with Reported Fruit and Vegetable Intake. J Acad Nutr Diet. 2019 Jan; 119(1):76-97.
Purdue-Smithe AC, Whitcomb BW, Manson JE, Hankinson SE, Troy LM, Rosner BA, Bertone-Johnson ER. Vitamin D status is not associated with risk of early menopause. J Nutr. 2018 Sep 1; 148(9):1445-1452.
Houghton SC, Manson JE, Whitcomb BW, Hankinson SE, Troy LM, Bigelow C, Bertone-Johnson ER. Carbohydrate and fiber intake and the risk of premenstrual syndrome. Eur J Clin Nutr. 2018 Jan 29. doi: 10.1038/s41430-017-0076-8.
Hsiao B, Sibeko L, Wicks K, Troy LM. Mobile Produce Market Influences Access to Fruits and Vegetables in an Urban Environment. Public Health Nutr. 2018 Jan. doi:10.1017/S1368980017003755.
Houghton SC, Manson JE, Whitcomb BW, Hankinson SE, Troy LM, Bigelow C, Bertone-Johnson ER. Intake of dietary fat and fat subtypes and risk of premenstrual syndrome in the Nurses’ Health Study II. Br J Nutr. 2017 Nov;118(10):849-857.
Perdue-Smithe AC, Whitcomb BW, Szegda KL, Boutot ME, Manson JE, Hankinson SE, Rosner BA, Troy LM, Michel KB, Bertone-Johnson ER. Vitamin D and calcium intake and risk of early menopause. Am J Clin Nutr. 2017 Jun;105(6):1493-1501
Serviente C, Troy LM, de Jonge M, Shill DD, Jenkin NT, Witkowski S. Endothelial and inflammatory responses to acute exercise in perimenopausal and late postmenopausal women. Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol. 2016 Nov 1;311(5): R841-R850
Troy LM, Kietzman KG. Enhancing evidence-based public health policy: developing and using policy narratives. J Gerontol Nurs. 2016 Jun 1;42(6):11-7
Ma J, Jacques PF, Hwang SJ, Troy LM, McKeown NM, Chu AY, Fox CS. Dietary Guideline Adherence Index and kidney measures in the Framingham Heart Study. Am J Kidney Dis. 2016 May 31. pii: S0272-6386(16)30119-6
Jiang J, Liu M, Troy LM, Bangalore S, Hayes RB, Parekh N. Concordance with DASH Diet and Blood Pressure Change: Results from the Framingham Offspring Study (1991-2008). J Hypertens 2015 Aug 7. [Epub ahead of print]
Sauder KA, Proctor DN, Chow M, Jacques PF, Troy LM, Wang N, Hamburg NM, West SG. Endothelial function, arterial stiffness, and adherence to the 2010 Dietary Guidelines for Americans: a cross-sectional analysis. Br J Nutr 2015 April; 113:1771-83
Wang H, Troy LM, Rogers GT, Fox CS, McKeown NM, Meigs JB, Jacques PF. Longitudinal association between dairy consumption and changes of weight and waist circumference: the Framingham Heart Study. Int J Obes (Lond) 2014 Feb; 38(2):299-305. (Epub 2013 May 20)
McKeown NM, Troy LM, Jacques PF, Hoffmann U, O’Donnell CJ, Fox CS. Whole- and refined-grain intakes are differentially associated with abdominal visceral and subcutaneous adiposity in healthy adults: the Framingham Heart Study. Am J Clin Nutr 2010; 92(5):1165-71 (Epub 2010 Sep)
Fogli-Cawley JJ, Dwyer JT, Saltzman E, McCullough ML, Troy LM, Meigs JB, Jacques PF. The 2005 Dietary Guidelines for Americans and risk of metabolic syndrome. Am J Clin Nutr 2007; 86(4):1193-201
Troy LM, Jacques PF, Hannan MT, Kiel DP, Lichtenstein AH, Kennedy ET, Booth SL. Dihydrophylloquinone intake is associated with low bone mineral density in men and women. Am J Clin Nutr 2007; 86(2):504-8
Fogli-Cawley JJ, Dwyer JT, Saltzman E, McCullough ML, Troy LM, Meigs JB, Jacques PF. The 2005 Dietary Guidelines for Americans and insulin resistance in the Framingham Offspring Cohort. Diabetes Care 2007; 30(4):817-22 (Epub 2007 Jan 26)
Fogli-Cawley JJ, Dwyer JT, Saltzman E, McCullough ML, Troy LM, Jacques PF. The 2005 Dietary Guidelines for Americans Adherence Index: Development and application. J Nutr 2006; 136(11):2908-15
Bhat D, Karim R, Troy L, Levinson FJ. Determinants of food consumption during pregnancy in rural Bangladesh: Examination of evaluative data from the Bangladesh Integrated Nutrition Project. The Bangladesh Development Studies 2002; 28(4):95-104
Hunter DJ, Manson JE, Colditz GA, Chasan-Taber L, Troy L, Stampfer MJ, Speizer FE, Willett WC. Reproducibility of oral contraceptive histories and validity of hormone composition reported in a cohort of US women. Contraception 1997; 56(6):373-8
Grodstein F, Levine R, Troy L, Spencer T, Colditz GA, Stampfer MJ. Three-year follow-up of participants in a commercial weight loss program. Can you keep it off? Arch Intern Med. 1996; 156(12):1302-6
Troy LM, Michels KB, Hunter DJ, Speigelman D, Manson JE, Colditz GA, Stampfer MJ, Willett WC. Self-reported birthweight and history of having been breastfed among younger women: An assessment of validity. Int J Epidemiol 1996; 25(1):122-7
Troy LM, Hunter DJ, Manson JE, Colditz GA, Stampfer MJ, Willett WC. The validity of recalled weight among younger women. Int J Obes Relat Metab Disord 1995; 19(8):570-2
White Papers and Community Report Publications
Nutrition Assessment Laboratory 2023.Lahey-New Entry Farmer’s Market Program 2022 Season Evaluation Report.
Nutrition Assessment Laboratory 2022.Lahey-New Entry Farmer’s Market Program 2021 Season Evaluation Report.
Nutrition Assessment Laboratory 2021. Beth Israel Lahey Health and New Entry Sustainable Farming Project: Evaluation of the 2020 Farmer’s Market Program
Public Health Institute of Western Massachusetts Partners for Health Equity and Nutrition Assessment Lab 2016. Go Fresh Mobile Farmer’s Market Report.