Percussion Ensembles are open to all students, subject to auditions held at the beginning of each semester.
PERCUSSION ENSEMBLE (For more information, please contact Prof. Kataoka)
Ayano Kataoka, director
UMass Percussion Ensemble (12:10–2:15 p.m., Tuesdays and Thursdays)
Advanced Chamber Percussion Ensemble (12:15–2:20 p.m., Fridays)
UMass Percussion Ensemble and Advanced Chamber Percussion Ensemble provide opportunities to perform and become familiar with the ever-growing volume of percussion ensemble literature from 20th and 21st century, such as works by Steve Reich, John Cage, George Crumb, Iannis Xenakis, Alejandro Viñao, and Paul Lansky. The students expose themselves with the vast literature and develop their techniques of ensemble skills. It is also designed for the students to pursue their independent processes for preparations and rehearsals working toward the assigned performance opportunities.
The Percussion Ensembles are open to all students, subject to auditions held at the beginning of each semester by appointment. The ensembles have been invited to perform at McCormick Marimba Festival (Tampa, FL), Centro Cultural Recoretta (Buenos Aires, Argentina), and annually perform at Brattleboro Museum and Art Center.
For information about placement auditions for Symphony Orchestra, Wind Ensemble & Symphony Band, please see the Wind Bands webpage.

Professor, Percussion; Area Coordinator