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September 21, 2023 10:00 am - September 25, 2023 3:20 pm ET
Guest Artists,
Special Events,
Totman Gym, Bezanson Hall and other locations

The Department of Music & Dance is partnering with Five College Dance, Chicago Footworkology, and local community organizations to host nine guest artists from Chicago and the Chicago Footwork diaspora to share their expertise and personal history with CF through classes, workshops, panel discussions, lectures, a party, and a dance battle.

Chicago Footwork guest artists:
King Charles
DJ T-Rell
Pause Eddie
Prince Jron
Kelli Forman
Dr. ShaDawn Battle
Talia Sugarmann
Miki Ishizaka
Donnetta "Lil Bit" Jackson

General Schedule of the Conference

  • Thurs. Sept. 21 - Classes, 10am - 5:30pm, various locations at the Five Colleges
  • Fri. Sept. 22 - Classes, 9am - 6pm (Includes "Meet & Greet" 12:15-1:30pm, Bromery Rm. 356)
  • Sat. Sept. 23 - Panel Discussion, at 7:30pm in Bezanson Hall, features the guest artists and scholars in conversation about their personal histories with Chicago Footwork.  Followed by Community Party, Totman Gym, 9:30-11:30pm
  • Sun. Sept. 24 - "Footwork Frenzy" Dance Battle, 1-5pm, Totman Gym
  • Mon. Sept. 25 - Classes, 1:25 - 2:15 and 2:00 - 3:20pm, Totman Gym & Amherst Webster Hall

Organizers: Miriam Piilonen (UMass Amherst), Benjamin Court (UMass Amherst), Duane Lee Holland Jr. (UMass Amherst), Shakia Barron (Mt. Holyoke College, Five College Dance), Kelli Forman (CFology/Creative Network), King Charles (CFology/Creative Network)