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DEGREE SUBPLANS (required and optional courses and projects) for each graduate music concentration, as well as the Graduate Handbook, are available in this Google drive folder. See the page for Graduate Admissions Info/Requirements to learn more and to find out whether your concentration requires an audition.


Coordinators and their contact info are listed for each graduate concentration:

Collaborative Piano: Prof. Gilles Vonsattel, @email

Composition: Prof. Salvatore Macchia, @email

Conducting: For both MM in Conducting and MM in Music Education with Conducting Emphasis:

  • Wind Conducting: Prof. Matthew Westgate, @email, 413-545-6056
  • Orchestral Conducting: Prof. Gonzalo Hidalgo Ardila, @email
  • Choral Conducting: Prof. Lindsay Pope, @email, 413-545-0437

Music Education: Prof. Lisa Lehmberg,

Music Theory: Prof. Brent Auerbach, @email

Music History: Prof. Erinn Knyt, @email, 413-545-1247

Jazz Composition & Arranging or Performance: Prof. Jeffrey Holmes, @email, 413-545-6046

Performance: Contact the professor who teaches your instrument/voice. Now offering an additional Jazz option. Strings: see info for the Graduate String Quartet Program.

Graduate Program Director
Associate Professor Christopher White
Department of Music and Dance, Fine Arts Center Room 363
University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA 01003-9330
Email: @email

Graduate Program Coordinator
Nicole Avakian, Bromery Center, Rm. 273, 413-545-0311, @email

Additional information or mailed forms may be obtained from the:

Music Admissions Director, Nathaniel Gowen
Fine Arts Center Room 263A
University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA 01003-9300
@email, (413) 545-6048