DRuMS is a set of seven standardized, intuitive color schemes applicable to macromolecular structures and designed for use on the Web.
Color is an efficient and powerful method for conveying information about a macromolecule. Adopting a standard color scheme is important, to avoid confusion and present a clear
DRuMS is freely available to all for use in noncommercial and commercial contexts. You are
invited to use DRuMS in your own online resources. If you have suggestions for improving DRuMS, please
contact Timothy Driscoll at molvisions
The DRuMS Color Schemes have been adopted for use in the
Protein Explorer
by Eric Martz, and
Biochemistry in 3D, a set of online 3D structure tutorials that accompany
Lehninger Principles of Biochemistry, Third Edition.
Preview DRuMS (no Chime)
Created and maintained by molvisions.
(email to driscoll@molvisions.com)
Chemscape Chime is a product of MDL Information Systems, Inc. (http://www.mdli.com/).
Chemscape® and Chime® are registered trademarks of MDL Information Systems, Inc.