Appendix 11. MCB Committees
Appendix 11. MCB Committees Ryan RushingThe following descriptions are provided so that MCB faculty and students will be able to direct questions and requests appropriately. Appointments to committees are as follows:
- Graduate Operations Committee: Requested to serve by MCB Director
- Admissions Committee: Requested to serve by MCB Director
- Curriculum Committee: Requested to serve by MCB Director
- Program/Seminar Committee: Requested to serve by MCB Director
- Recruiting/Retreat Committee: Requested to serve by MCB Director
- Steering Committee: Elected by MCB Faculty, 3-year
The MCB Director sends a questionnaire in the spring requesting that faculty indicate preference of committee service for the coming year.
Attempts are made to compose and rotate membership so that every committee is composed of both old and new members. Ordinarily, the committee Chair is appointed by the Director and will have previously served as a member of the committee.
Graduate Operations Committee
1. A minimum of two faculty members requested to serve by Dire
2. Responsibilities
Oversee day-to-day academic issues concerning MCB students.
Make decisions about special requests concerning exemptions from Program academic requirements.
Meet with first-year students at the start of their first and second academic semesters.
Meet with appropriate MCB faculty members about first year performance and report academic status to students in the context of their overall performance.
Evaluate, in the context of the overall record, the progress of any student who fails the comprehensive examination/original research proposal; make decision about the student's future in the MCB Program.
Nominate selected students for Graduate School Fellowships.
Nominate students for fellowships from sources outside the University.
Work with MCB office staff to ensure deadlines are met and records kept current.
Admissions Committee
- Four or five faculty members, requested to serve by Director
- Responsibilities
- Evaluation of student applications for admission
- Interviews and correspondence with applicants
- Nominate selected entering students for Graduate School Fellowships in consultation with the Graduate Operations Committee.
- Determine exemptions and special requirements for students entering with non-standard academic backgrounds.
- Work with MCB office staff to ensure prospective student correspondence and records are kept current.
Curriculum Committee
- Four or more faculty members requested to serve by the Director.
- Responsibilities
- Evaluate MCB core courses and curriculum for content and effectiveness.
- Initiate discussion about new MCB course offerings or advanced electives that would be appropriate for MCB students.
- Oversee arrangements for original research proposals/comprehensive examinations.
Program/Seminar Committee
- One or two faculty members requested to serve by Director; one student volunteer.
- Responsibilities:
- Plan seminars in consultation with the Director.
- Solicit names of seminar speakers from the MCB Program membership.
- Provide guidance to the MCB office staff for implementing seminar arrangements.
Recruiting/Retreat Committee
- Three or more faculty members representing the broad research interests within the MCB Program; two or more student representatives as determined by the Director.
- Responsibilities:
- Oversee production of information and publicity materials for the MCB Program (posters, brochures).
- Oversee design and updates of the MCB web site.
- Plan recruiting and retreat events and coordinate recruiting efforts.
- Provide input to the MCB Director for other ways to enhance recruitment to the MCB Program.
Steering Committee
- Eight faculty members elected by MCB faculty for 3-year terms; one student representative as determined by the Director (usually the student President selected by the MCB graduate student organization). MCB Director is Chair, ex officio. Area representation observed in makeup of Committee as follows:
- 2 members from Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
- 2 members from Biology
- 1 member from Chemistry
- 1 member from Veterinary & Animal Sciences
- 1 member from the Five Colleges (i.e. Amherst, Mt. Holyoke or Smith)
- 1 member at large from any department with at least one MCB Member
- 1 student member as determined by MCB graduate student organization and Graduate Program Director
- Responsibilities:
- Policy decisions.
- Budgeting decisions.
- Election of new MCB faculty.
- Liaison with other MCB committees.
- Decide level of graduate student stipends.
- Guide future direction of MCB Program.
- Review nominations and select nominees for MCB student fellowship applications.
- Review nominees and select Byron Prize winner.