Student Transferred From the Ph.D. Track to M.S. Track
Student Transferred From the Ph.D. Track to M.S. Track Ryan RushingStudent Transferred From the Ph.D. Track to M.S. Track
(Also see Appendix 9)
In addition to the "Fast-Track Master's Degree" (see Section C, p. 13) there are two other Master's degree options offered through the MCB Program for Ph.D. candidates who wish to switch to a Master's:
- M.S. option for students who have not passed the original research proposal/comprehensive exam
- M.S. option for students who wish to switch to a M.S. after passing the original research proposal/comprehensive exam
Procedure and Requirements for Students who have not passed the Original Research Proposal
In the case of transfer to the M.S. track at the end of the first year and before the original research proposal, action is taken formally through the Graduate School for the student to transfer to the M.S. Thesis track. A Committee is appointed consisting of the student's adviser (Committee Chair), plus two other MCB faculty members subject to the Graduate Program Director's approval. The Adviser is responsible to see that the student's committee is appointed no later than September 15 of the student's second year. Defense of the M.S. Thesis or Research Report must take place before May 31 of the following year. It is a Graduate School requirement for the Master's degree that the student take a minimum of 30 credits of graduate-level courses. A minimum of 15 credits must be on a letter-graded basis.
The Graduate School requires the student take 6 credits of MOLCLBIO 699 (Master’s Thesis). The student may count up to 10 credits of MOLCLBIO 699 toward the degree.
A thesis outline is formally submitted to the MCB Program office (to be forwarded to the Graduate School), with a title page signed by each member of the committee. The Graduate School must receive the outline four months prior to the thesis defense. Exemption from this timing requirement is possible if requested by the student's adviser. The format of the M.S. Thesis is set by the Graduate School and it is the student's responsibility to learn about and follow the rules governing the thesis format.
The Final Oral Examination/Thesis Defense will be administered by the Thesis Committee after they have read and tentatively approved the thesis, and determined that all other requirements for the Thesis M.S. Degree have been met by the candidate. It is not required that the thesis defense be announced publicly, i.e. In the Loop, nor is the student required to present a public seminar.
The Graduate School must receive formal notification from the MCB Director that the student has successfully passed the thesis defense. The final written thesis, with a signature page signed by every member of the Thesis Committee and the Graduate Program Director, must be submitted to the Graduate School.
Procedure and Requirements for Students who have passed the Original Research Proposal
In the case of transfer to the M.S. track for PhD students who have already passed the original research proposal, procedures are the same as in Section I except that the student's committee may accept passing the original research proposal (i.e. a written proposal and successful defense of the proposal) for the 'project defended before a committee' part of the requirements. The student must also write a report of their research, which must be approved by their adviser and the MCB Director. A copy of the final report, with a title page signed by the student's advisor and Graduate Program Director, will be filed in the MCB Program office. The degree awarded will be a Non-Thesis Master’s Degree. The student registers for MOLCLBIO 698 (Masters Project) credits instead of MOLCLBIO 699 (Master’s Thesis).
Evaluation of Candidate for Readmission to the Ph.D. Track
Evaluation of students in the M.S. track who are seeking readmission to the Ph.D. track should take place no later than the sixth semester in residence (the statute of limitations for M.S. students). The Thesis Committee will evaluate the candidate on the basis of (1) the quality and quantity of research accomplished, and (2) the student's ability and suitability for continuing in the Ph.D. program. Note: if the evaluation takes places in the fifth semester, students readmitted to the Ph.D. track will be able to complete the oral examination at the end of their sixth semester in the program.
The Thesis Committee will recommend, in writing, to the Graduate Operations Committee that either:
- The student be terminated from the Program. In this case, the committee must decide whether the thesis document should be modified to a format acceptable to the Graduate School or whether it can be submitted in its present format for the M.S. degree. Any current financial support from the Program for the student will terminate no later than 60 days after this recommendation. OR
- The student be invited to apply for readmission to the Ph.D. track. In this case a research report is sufficient (see below).
Application for Readmission to the Ph.D. Track
Formal application for admission must be made through the Graduate School. The student's entire record will be considered by the MCB Admissions Committee by the end of the student's sixth semester in the MCB Program. If readmitted, the student will submit an abstract of the proposal for the Original Research Proposal no later than September 1 of that year. The committee for that examination will be appointed by September 15, and the examination will be completed no later than December 15 (see Appendix 1, Deadlines for Original Research Proposal). Some flexibility in these deadlines may be appropriate if approved by the Graduate Operations Committee.
It is the student’s responsibility to fill out all necessary forms and meet all requirements set by the Graduate School for graduation. See the Graduate School Handbook and Graduate School Bulletin. For more information, contact the Graduate School at 545-0722.