John G. Gibbons
Associate Professor, Food Science
Ph.D. Vanderbilt University, 2012
B.S. Keene State College, 2005
Research Interests
Professor Gibbons is an evolutionary genomicist. His research aims to shed light on the evolutionary forces and genomic processes underlying phenotypic variation. In particular, Gibbons’ research is focused on understanding (i) how human applied selective pressure has altered the genomes of domesticated microbes and (ii) how large-scale genomic alterations influence the virulence of fungal pathogens.
Gibbons, J.G., A. Branco, S. Yu, and B. Lemos. Ribosomal DNA copy number is coupled with gene expression variation and mitochondrial abundance in humans. Nature Communications: In press.
Elmore, M.H.*, J.G. Gibbons*, and A. Rokas (2012). Assessing the genome-wide effect of promoter region tandem repeat natural variation on gene expression. G3 2:1643-1649. (*Equal contributors)
Gibbons, J. G., L. Salichos, J. C. Slot, D. C. Rinker, K. L. McGary, J. G. King, M. A. Klich, D. L. Tabb, W. H. McDonald, and A. Rokas (2012). The evolutionary imprint of domestication on genome variation and function of the filamentous fungus Aspergillus oryzae. Current Biology: 22: 1-7.
Klaassen,C. H. W.*, J. G. Gibbons*, N. D. Fedorova, J. F. Meis, and A. Rokas (2012). Evidence for genetic differentiation and variable recombination rates among Dutch populations of the opportunistic human pathogen Aspergillus fumigatus. Molecular Ecology. 21: 57-70. (*Equal contributors)
Gibbons, J. G., A. Beauvais, R. Beau, K. L. McGary, J.-P. Latge, and A. Rokas (2012). Global transcriptome changes underlying colony growth in the opportunistic human pathogen Aspergillus fumigatus. Eukaryotic Cell. 11: 68-78.
Gibbons, J. G., E. Janson, C. T. Hittinger, M. Johnston, P. Abbot and A. Rokas (2009). Benchmarking next-generation transcriptome sequencing for functional and evolutionary genomics. Molecular Biology and Evolution. 26: 2731-2744.