Reporting Abuse

All persons (program directors and program staff whether paid or voluntary) participating in the program  who have reasonable cause to believe a child in your official capacity may be abused or neglected must promptly report inappropriate activity and abuse under MA law.

Program directors, whether voluntary or paid, and UMASS employees who are program staff are mandated reporters and must immediately notify the Associate Chancellor for Compliance or the Massachusetts Department of Children and Family Services (DCF).   See more information on Reporting of Inappropriate Activity in the policy. If you reported to DCF directly, you must notify the Associate Chancellor for Compliance.

While not mandated reporters according to MA law, volunteers serving as program staff must, under the University policy, notify the Associate Chancellor for Compliance who will then notify DCF.

Mandated Reporters Must Complete a Written Report

Complete your written report of child abuse or neglect (mandated reporters only). Mandated reporters are required to complete a written report with 48 hours of calling to report child abuse or neglect. The written report does not replace the requirement to call first.

Forward your written report to the Associate Chancellor for Compliance.

Reporting Obligation Questions

If you have questions about your reporting obligations or the circumstances under which a report is required, contact the Office of General Counsel for UMass Amherst, Christine Wilda, Associate Chancellor for Compliance at cwilda [at], or the UMass Amherst Police Department (413) 545-2121 for immediate assistance.