Microwave Systems Engineering
Building Hardware
Building efficient microwave and millimeter-wave sensors requires in-depth knowledge of microwave engineering and electromagnetics. Developing end-to-end knowledge of a system and its relationship to the scientific application is a crucial part of our students' educations. At left, a student replaces a component on an integrated microwave downconverter.
Recent News
Geophysical Applications
Field Experimentation
MIRSL students routinely participate in field experiments where advanced technology is used to improve our understanding of the geophysical environment. Field work is an equally important aspect of the MIRSL experience. At right, MIRSL's X-band Polarimetric Doppler Radar at work on the Great Plains.
Expore some of our current projects
Hurricane Coastal Impacts
Hurricane Coastal Impacts
Phased-Array Weather Radar
Phased-Array Weather Radar
UMass eXperimental X-band Radar
UMass eXperimental X-band Radar
Hyperspectral Imaging
Hyperspectral Imaging
Synthetic Aperture Radar for Snowpack
Synthetic Aperture Radar for Snowpack
Ocean Winds
Ocean Winds
Interdisciplinary Research
Data Analysis and Interpretation
Building instruments and collecting data are not enough. The final product of MIRSL research is the interpretation of the observations that provides new insights into our environment. MIRSL students work directly with engineers and scientists in application areas including meteorology, oceanography, climate, and terrestrial ecology. At left, an overlay of interferometric SAR data, a digital terrain model, and lidar-derived tree heights.