Undergraduate Program Handbook > The Integrative Experience Requirement for Microbiology Majors

Undergraduate Program Handbook > The Integrative Experience Requirement for Microbiology Majors Seth Landman

There are presently two options available for Microbiology majors to fulfill the Integrative Experience Requirement.

Option 1

The IE in Microbiology (Microbio 494) consists of three 1-credit modular courses. These courses will be offered every semester, with different faculty featured each semester. The Fall IE courses will be offered on MWF at 12:20. Spring courses will be offered on MWF at 11:15. Each module will be worth 1 credit and be offered for a third of the semester, at the same course schedule day and time.


Option 2

Students complete NATSCI 494I – a team-based learning course offered through the College of Natural Sciences. This 3-credit course features three modules taught in a TBL environment. The course will be offered in the Spring.

The Integrative Experience Requirement for Microbiology Majors