Martz-authored molecular visualization resources are visited every minute, on average, 24 hours/day, 7 days/week, 52 weeks/year (about half a million visitors per year). Martz-authored Chime-based tutorials are downloaded about every 8 minutes (~70,000 downloads per year).
Protein Explorer is visited every couple of minutes, and an on-line session is started (in a compatible browser) every four minutes, viewing a molecule in FirstView. A bit less than half of these sessions progress to QuickViews. Protein Explorer is downloaded about every 20 minutes. There are about 140,000 on-line sessions per year, plus an uncounted number of off-line sessions using downloaded copies.
The most popular Martz-authored tutorial on a single molecule, the one on DNA Structure, is visited every 5 minutes, or 120,000 times/year (not counting visits to its translations to Spanish, German and Portuguese).
A more detailed analysis begins below this table of selected examples.
On-Line Sessions in Protein Explorer |
and Protein Explorer Downloads |
Grand Totals
including UMass
Chime plus
RasMol sites,
and Martz-authored resources served from SDSC
DNA Structure,
Visitors come from over 100 countries.
These are very conservative counts.
"People" (unique IP addresses)
are counted only once per week or year,
regardless of how many times they visited
during the specified time interval.
Data in this table are based on analysis of web server logs
and subscriber counts.
(sample coverage) |
EMail List |
all years* |
all years |
Av. 11,600 |
Av. 10,700 |
Av. 9,400 |
Av. 7,500 |
Av. 5,100 |
Av. 3,700 |
Total Downloads from UMass
(obsolete ca. 1997) |
(% Macintosh) |
* Chime-based resources can be used on-line, without downloading, whereas RasMol can be used only by downloading.
** The drop in downloads is attributed to the smaller number of new versions released in 2001-2002 (3) compared to 2000-2001 (8).RasMol was released in 1993. The UMass RasMol Home Page was created November 1995. It was renamed the RasMol Classic Site in July 2008. The UMass server is the sole authorized downloading source for Martz-authored Chime resources (except for some translated to other languages). RasMol can be downloaded from many other sites, notably RasMol.Org.
Visitors to, Downloads and
of Martz-authored
Molecular Visualization Tutorials and Resources
(All resources in this table are at
Chime Resources by Eric Martz.)
Data in this table are based on analysis of web server logs.
A minority of "visitors" used a compatible browser with Chime installed -- only this minority could actually use the resource. Estimates of this percentage are shown only for Protein Explorer; for other resources, estimates range from 10% for Netscape-only resources to 25% for those compatible with both Netscape and Internet Explorer. The World Index does not require Chime and is accessible in all browsers and platforms.
Part I
in Year |
69,000 13,500 |
30,000 11,700 (2 releases) |
140,000 |
3,100 1,900 |
3,000 1,500 |
3,000 1,400 |
(not downloadable) |
50,000 6,000 |
8,500 4,400 (3 releases) |
~60,000 |
2,400 1,600 |
det. |
det. |
74,000 10,400 |
14,700 7,700 (8 releases) |
14,000 40,000 |
3,700 2,700 |
3,700 2,300 |
3,500 2,100 |
27,500 4,300 |
3,200 2,200 |
5,500 |
det. |
det. |
det. |
12,000 2,300 |
780 560 |
1,300 1,000 |
1,300 1,000 |
1,000 750 |
yet avail. |
yet avail. |
2,400 950 |
300 |
yet avail. |
yet avail. |
* "Using" Protein Explorer by starting a Session (as distinct from "visiting" Protein Explorer) requires a compatible browser with the Chime plug-in installed. Much use of Protein Explorer is also off-line with downloaded copies, but only on-line use can be quantitated.
** "Releases" means the number of new versions made available during the year. Releases within two weeks of each other are counted as one release. Releases made in late August are counted for the following academic year, since that is when the downloads occur. A detailed list of releases is available.
Visitors to, Downloads and
Part II
Bond Finder |
Gramicidin in English ( in Spanish) |
Authoring Template |
det. |
det. |
det. |
det. |
det. |
det. |
det. |
det. |
5,300 3,200 |
3,000 |
185 (90) |
3,500 2,300 |
det. |
det. |
det. |
180 140 |
190 160 |
1,000 800 |
yet avail. |
yet avail. |
yet avail. |
yet avail. |
Average Visits per Week to Resources Authored by the Martz Group
"Visits" as reported by (See sitemeters at the bottoms of the main pages of these resources). A single "visit" may include multiple hits from the same IP address within a short period of time. For Protein Explorer in 2002-2003, there were 2.5 hits per sitemeter-defined "visit".
The range given for people/week reflects the range observed (excluding extremes that occurred less than twice/year). Maximum use of the websites occurs during academic semesters (Sep-Dec and Feb-May), while minmum use occurs in Jan and summer (Jun, Jul, Aug). Low values given above do not include the weeks of Christmas and New Year's Day, which have about half of the low values given above.
Raw weblogs are available on request for verification.