Jenny Adams
Assoc. Prof. of English | [email] | [bio]
Specializations: Late medieval English literature with an emphasis on Chaucer, book history, university history.
Philippe Baillargeon
Senior Lecturer II of French and Francophone Studies | [email] | [bio]
Specializations: French literature and culture of the late Middle Ages, Renaissance and early seventeenth century as well as rhetoric, poetics, the history of ideas and Bakhtinian dialogism.
Jessica Barr
Assoc. Prof. of Comparative Literature | [email] | [bio]
Specializations: Medieval women writers, visionary and devotional literature, dream visions, hagiography and mysticism.
Anne Broadbridge
Prof. of History | [email] | [bio]
Specializations: Medieval Islamic history, Mamluks in Egypt and Syria, Mongol Empire, ideology, women's history in the Mongol Empire.
Sonja Drimmer
Assoc. Prof. of Art History | [email] | [bio]
Specializations: Medieval art, illuminated manuscripts, book history, visual culture of politics and sovereignty in the later Middle Ages.
Stephen Harris
Prof. of English | [email] | [bio]
Specializations: Old English, medieval Latin poetry, early medieval Christianity and historical linguistics.
Frank Hugus
Prof. of German | [email] | [bio]
Specializations: Old French lyric poetry, songs of the women trouvères and Old French Philology.
Albert Lloret
Assoc. Prof. of Spanish and Catalan | [email] | [bio]
Specializations: Medieval and Renaissance Iberian literatures, textual studies, cultural history, translation studies and digital humanities.
Stephen Miller
Assoc. Prof. of Japanese | [email] | [bio]
Specializations: Classical and medieval Japanese literature, Japanese Buddhism, Translation studies, Japanese queer literature and culture.
Jason Moralee
Prof. of History | [email] | [bio]
Specializations: Roman topography, the reuse of inscriptions and buildings, racial hybridity, the workings of memory in epigraphy and historiography.
Michael Papio
Prof. of Italian | [email] | [bio]
Specializations: Boccaccio, Dante, Medieval and Early Renaissance Italy, geocriticism, digital humanities and philology.
Marjorie Rubright
Assoc. Prof. of English & Dir. of Kinney Center | [email] | [bio]
Specializations: Early modern English literature and culture, early modern race and ethnicity studies, feminist criticism and Renaissance lexical culture.
David K. Schneider
Assoc. Prof. of Chinese | [email] | [bio]
Specializations: War and diplomacy in East Asia, religion in international affairs, Chinese religion and philosophy, comparative political philosophy.
Robert Sullivan
Assoc. Prof. of German & Chair of LLC | [email] | [bio]
Specializations: Crusades and Islam, early German culture, Middle High German and courtly lyric poetry.
Anna Taylor
Assoc. Prof. of History | [email] | [bio]
Specializations: Animals in the Middle Ages and ancient world, hagiography, history of the book and medieval monsters.
Maria Tymoczko
Prof. of Comparative Literature | [email] | [bio]
Specializations: Early Irish language and literature.