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Postdoc Eceizabarrena wins Vicent Caselles Mathematical Research Prize

Daniel Eceizabarrena receiving his prize

In 2022 Daniel Eceizabarrena, a Simons Postdoctoral Research Associate here at UMass, received the Vicent Caselles Mathematical Research Prize, which is given annually to a handful of recent PhDs who are Spanish or who received their PhDs in Spain. It is awarded by the Real Sociedad Matemática Española (the Royal Spanish Mathematical Society) and the Fundacíon BBVA to support the promotion and dissemination of scientific knowledge. For more information, including an interview with Daniel (albeit in Spanish), visit

Daniel's research is in analysis, and he is mentored by Professor Nahmod under the auspices of the Simons Collaboration on Wave Turbulence. He started at UMass in fall of 2020.