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  • Lebesgue measure: Construction of Lebesgue measure on R and Rd. Measurable and non measurable sets; Cantor sets. Lebesgue and Borel measurable functions; Egorov theorem and Lusin Theorems. Construction and properties of Lebesgue integral; the space L1 of integrable functions and its completeness; comparison with Riemann integral. Fubini-Tonelli theorem in Rd. Modes of convergence: convergence almost everywhere, convergence in measure, convergence in L1.
  • Integration and differentiation: Differentiation of the integral; Hardy-Littlewood maximal function; Lebesgue differentiation theorem. Functions of bounded variation; absolutely continuous functions; the fundamental theorem of calculus.
  • Hilbert spaces Abstract Hilbert spaces and examples; L2 spaces; Bessel’s inequality and Parseval’s identity; Riemann-Lebesgue Lemma; Orthogonality; orthogonal projections. Linear transformations; linear functionals; Riesz representation theorem; adjoint transformations.
  • Fourier analysis: Fourier transform in L1 and L2; Fourier inversion formula. Fourier series; Dirichlet’s Theorem and Fejér’s Theorem
  • General theory of measure and integration Measure spaces and σ-algebras. σ-finite measures. Caratheodory theorem and the construction of measures; outer measures and extension theorems. Integration theory. Product measures and Fubini-Tonelli theorem. Signed measure; Radon-Nikodym theorem; Borel measures on R and Lebesgue-Stieljes integral.
  • Banach spaces and Lp spaces. Abstract Banach spaces and examples; completeness criterion. Convexity; Lp-norms; Schwarz, Hölder, Minkowski, and Jensen inequalities. Lp-spaces and their duals; Riesz-Fischer Theorem.


  • Berberian, Introduction to Hilbert Spaces
  • Folland, Real Analysis
  • Gelbaum and Olmsted, Counterexamples in Analysis
  • Halmos, Measure Theory
  • Royden, Real Analysis
  • Rudin, Principles of Mathematical Analysis
  • Rudin, Real and Complex Analysis
  • Stein and Shakarchi, Real Analysis
  • Wheeden and Zygmund, Measure and Integral