Below are the topics for the qualifying exam in Algebra
- Group Theory
- Group actions; counting with groups.
- p-groups and Sylow theorems.
- Composition series; Jordan-Holder theorem; solvable groups.
- Automorphisms; semi-direct products.
- Structure of finitely generated Abelian groups
- Linear Algebra and Commutative Algebra.
- Euclidean domain implies PID implies UFD.
- Gauss Lemma; Eisenstein’s Criterion.
- Exact sequences; isomorphism theorems for modules.
- Free modules.
- Hom and tensor product of vector space, Abelian groups, and modules; Restriction and extension of scalars.
- Bilinear forms; symmetric and alternating forms; symmetric and exterior algebras.
- Structure Theorem for finitely generated modules of a PID.
- Rational canonical form.
- Jordan canonical form.
- Chain conditions; Noetherian rings and modules; Hilbert’s Basis Theorem.
- Prime and maximal ideals.
- Field of fractions.
- Localization of rings and modules: exactness of localization; local rings; Nakayama’s Lemma.
- Integral extensions.
- Noether’s Normalization Lemma.
- Integral closure.
- Nullstellensatz.
- Closed affine algebraic sets.
- Field Theory and Galois Theory
- Algebraic field extensions: finite extensions; degree of extensions; the minimal polynomial; adjoining roots of polynomials; the splitting field; algebraic closure.
- Separable extensions.
- Theorem of the primitive element.
- Galois extensions: Fundamental Theorem of Galois Theory.
- Finite fields and their Galois groups; Frobenius endomorphism.
- Cyclotomic polynomial, Cyclotomic fields and their Galois groups.
- Cyclic extensions.
- Solvable extensions; Solving polynomial equations in radicals.
- Transcendence degree.
- Dummit and Foote, Abstract Algebra
- Atiyah and MacDonald, Introduction to Commutative Algebra
- Lang, Algebra