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Remote Statistics Masters Degree, Newton Mount Ida Campus (Boston Area)

The Statistics M.S. Degree can be earned 100% remotely.

All required courses are offered remotely through the Newton Mount Ida campus. Classes are offered from 6:00-8:30 p.m. once per week from Monday to Thursday at the Newton campus, or during the day on Saturdays.

For more information on the program, see, or contact Erin Conlon.


Applications are accepted on a rolling basis for Fall through June 30 (domestic students) and May 31 (international students). Initial deadline is January 10.

Please make sure that your application clearly indicates that you are applying for the Newton campus. In the application process, choose "Masters Degree", then "Statistics (M.S. )Newton".

For more information on the application process, see

Degree Requirements

Prerequisites: Students entering the Statistics M.S. Degree program are expected to have had Linear Algebra and Calculus up through Multivariate Calculus (this is typically covered by a three-semester sequence in U.S. schools).

The requirements for the Masters Degree in Statistics involve coursework, a project and qualifying exams.


The Masters Degree in Statistics requires 30 hours of coursework (10 courses). Students can complete the program in as little as 1.5 years or on a part-time basis.

The required 10 courses include the following 5 core courses, which are all offered remotely:

Core Courses

  •     Stat 535: Statistical Computing
  •     Stat 607: Mathematical Statistics I
  •     Stat 608: Mathematical Statistics II
  •     Stat 625: Regression Modeling
  •     Stat 691P: Project Seminar

Elective Courses

In addition, students must complete at least 5 other courses which are either Statistics courses numbered 526 or above, from within the department, or courses outside the department numbered 500 and above subject to prior approval by the Statistics coordinator.

Electives in Statistics currently offered and to be offered at Newton Mount Ida include the following, which are all offered remotely:

  •     Stat 526: Design of Experiments
  •     Stat 610: Bayesian Statistics
  •     Stat 630: Statistical Methods for Data Science
  •     Stat 631: Categorical Data Analysis
  •     Stat 632: Applied Multivariate Statistics
  •     Stat 633: Data Visualization

Students can also take elective courses in other graduate programs at UMass-Amherst including Computer Science, Biostatistics, Business & Analytics and Geosciences, among many others, with prior approval by the Statistics Coordinator. These courses are offered either remotely or online.

For further information on requirements, see


The project requirement is fulfilled by completing the course Stat 691P: Project Seminar.

Qualifying Exams

Students completing the M.S. Degree in Statistics are required to pass two of three basic exams we offer: applied statistics, probability, and statistics, which are based on the courses Stat 535 and 625 (applied statistics); Stat 607 (probability); and Stat 608 (statistics). The basic exams are given twice a year, in January and August.