The term 'masculinities' is an acknowledgment that there is not one masculinity or way to be masculine, but many different ways to be masculine, each associated with different positions of power. We all exist within systems of race, sexual identity, class, age, etc. that shape our experience of masculinities, power, and social relations.
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Being male-positive means being affirming of men and optimistic about men. It is to believe that men can change and approaching them, including one’s self, simultaneously with gentleness and accountability; as we support every man's efforts at positive change. A male-positive perspective resists feeling hopeless about men and rejects the idea that men are somehow intrinsically emotionless, violent or sexist. At the same time, there is a recognition that individual men are responsible for their oppressive behavior (that exists within a context of a patriarchal and sexist social structure) and can choose to change it. Being male-positive means building close relations and supportive alliances among men in order to support mutual growth and change. Male-positivity is also about recognizing and praising the positive aspects of masculinities.
Multiculturalism is the practice of acknowledging, respecting, and honoring various cultures, religions, races, ethnicities, and their related values, attitudes, and world views.
Being pro-feminist, at the core, means being informed by feminist analyses of society. It means being committed to challenging women's oppression, sexism and binary gender injustice. Being pro-feminist means being aware of women's experiences and to bring them to the center of analysis, not to displace men, but to broaden the perspective. For us, it means trying to develop non-oppressive forms of masculinity and non-sexist relations with women. It is essential to name it as trying, as we know that our culture is steeped in patriarchy and sexism, and thus it is an ongoing commitment to examine our interactions, thought processes, and ourselves as part of the larger culture.